Senin, 19 Juli 2010

To the respected world leaders,
In this opportunity I am a son of Indonesian would like to send you all my warm greeting and may you all prosper always.
Also, I would like to convey something to the world through their leaders, hopefully, it will be an alternative solution to the world problem that is creating peace on earth. Creating peace on earth is one of the United Nations responsibilities. All of the differences that all countries in the world have such as their countries conditions (whether they are developed countries, developing countries or under developing countries), their physical appearance (whether their skin are dark, yellow, white or their eyes are slanted, blue, green or brown) are God’s omnipotence. Even though all countries have lots of differences but they have one thing in common that is creating peace on earth. This is still a dream for all countries in the world.
Creating peace on earth is the background of countries in the world to establish the United Nations. The United Nations is an organization which settles the world problems such as education, economic, environment, health and conflicts among countries which end up with war.
By claiming to maintain and guard peace on earth, many developed countries compete to each other to create assassinated weapons with a high technology. To find out the reliability of the weapon such as a missile, they often put it on a trial. They also tested the reliability of a nuclear weapon which uses a sophisticated technology. In addition, they also created a weapon which was more terrifying than a nuclear weapon. This weapon is called a biological weapon which uses a micro organism which is one of God creatures.
Even though the United Nations has restricted many countries to produce nuclear weapons and prohibited all countries against the use of biological weapons, in practice there are still some countries continue producing these assassinated weapons by claiming to guard peace earth.
This is an irony, the more countries in the world have a desire to create peace on earth, the more countries compete to produce the assassinated weapons. Sometimes they claim that they produce and use the weapon to destroy the centre of nuclear weapon manufacture. They do not realize that their action against world stipulation. One country destroyed other countries without considering the impact of it. Women, civil, children became the victims of the assassinated weapons. This is a reality that the world has to see. Can a savagery bring peace on earth? This is a dilemma that the United Nations must answer.

Another tragedy that occurs in our earth is when one country is having an internal conflict, other developed countries will use this situation to put their weapon on trial. When there is a civil war in one country, so certain countries will use this opportunity to supply their weapons to belligerents. The countries that supply weapons will be the spectators while the countries in conflict will be the victims.
The more sophisticated weapon is created, the more terrifying the impact will be. The world has become the witness how terrifying the impact of atom bomb that was dropped in the city of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during 2nd world war by allied countries. Over decades the people of Japan, particularly those that live in these cities still can experience this incident. When the bomb dropped to the ground, the smoke billowed like a giant mushroom and the temperature went up to thousands degrees. This incident had destroyed most of the life in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I cannot imagine if the nuclear bomb that is thousand times more powerful than the atom bomb blown up on earth. There will be more destruction than the atom bomb dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The radiation will effect on life on earth. So, the little doomsday will happen on earth. Will the disaster happen on our earth? If we analyze from knowledge perspective, it will happen if human cannot control their lust of war and lust of occupied other people. But if we analyze from religious perspective, it will not happen without God’s willing.
Based on history, fact, data and reality we can conclude that war is cruel and inhuman. The impacts of war on humans are suffer, misery and destruction. Most of the countries in the world have experience with war, whether a civil war, or war among countries that are caused by a struggle of power and territory. The struggle of power and territory is happened because of the tyranny of a country to other countries and the struggle of the colonized nations. There are many world problems that cannot be solved peacefully or diplomacy and end up with a violence and brutal war. Merciless slaughter has caused cries, howled in pain and tear. It is hard to count how many people lost their family, people lost their body part and become invalid for the rest of their life and innocent people are dying in pain. All of these caused by unstoppable war.
Wars and conflicts occur on earth never stop. Since God created the world and time went by from years to years and from one generation to other generation, war is still happening. The more sophisticated technology is, the more terrifying the war is. As we have seen on television the war is still happening for example the war that is happening in the Middle East countries such as Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Korea, Bosnia, and Africa. Also, Indonesia had experienced wars during the Dutch colonialism and Japanese Imperialism.
Even though the United Nations has tried many ways to solve conflicts through negotiations among conflicted countries as well as embargo to particular countries to insist them on stopping conflicts. All of these efforts cannot stop wars happened on earth. The war is like a tradition that passes from one generation to the other generation. It is still hard to make a realization of peace on earth.
If we try to review the history of when God created human, Malaikah had questioned why God had to create a human, Adam. Adam was created by God from a clay that contains a variety of colors and odor. Then the clay was shaped into a doll with a shape that desired by God. While he is torpor, cannot hear, cannot see and cannot talk, God gave him a soul. Then he was alive in sudden after God said, “Be and it is”. With God’s desire, Adam was created in a perfect form. God taught Adam about the names of things in the world. Then God asked his apparatus to grovel to Adam. All of his apparatus obeyed his order except demon. He refused to grovel to Adam. He felt that he was more noble than Adam because he was created from a fire while Adam was created from soil. Demon was arrogant. Then his attitude was inherited to the people that don’t have faith in God. After God had made Adam alive, he was put in a garden that full of bliss and enjoyment. Adam’s life was full of enjoyment. Then God created another human being, but in different gender. With God’s desire, Eve was created from Adam’s left rib. Adam and Eve lived in Eden with happiness and enjoyment. They never felt worries, until one day Adam broke the God’s rule because of Eve persuasion. Both of them were punished. They were placed on earth separately. They used their brain, power and thinking that God has given to survive.
After Adam and Eve lived separately for some time, God reunited them. God has forgiven them. Adam and Eve lived on earth as God asked them. They had some descendents. Eve gave birth to paired twins in every birth delivery.
When their children grown up, demons started to plague Adam’s descendents as demons had promised to God before they were vanished from heaven. Demons had stated that they would plague Adam’s descendents until the judgment day. Cain and Abel fought because of Demon’s plague. This is the first assassination happened on earth. Since then, the assassination keep happening until the now, and often people did this without reasons. This is happened because of demon’s plagues. Only a few group of people that will be safe from demon’s plague. They are the ones that dedicate their lives to God.
All people in the world will admit the true history of human creation on earth and also admit that our ancestors are Adam and Eve.

To the respected world leaders,

If we analyze again the origin of human history, we can learn that:
- People that live on earth originated come from Adam. Then human became two because of Eve created from Adam’s rib. Later on, Eve delivered descendents. These descendents grow and moved to the other parts of the world.
- People that live on earth form groups that live in different places. The groups grow bigger and form a nation. Every nation has a variety of differences, starting from their body postures, skin colors, main food, faces, languages, the level of intelligences and etc. As what we have known already that people live in Europe have tall body postures, fair skin, blue eyes and blonde. While people live in Asia have middle sizes body postures, yellow skin or dark brown, black eyes and curly hair. All of these differences if we analyze from knowledge perspective are caused by food they eat and natural factors or places they live in. But if we analyze from the religious perspective, the difference are caused by God’s willing in creating a variety of human beings. It is very hard to find two creatures that are totally the same. God creates peoples in different nations to allow them know each other, interact, need one another and fulfill each weaknesses and use each strengths.

If people realize the history of human origin, they will realize that even though we are different we are brother and sister because we come from the same ancestors, Adam and Eve. God asks Adam and Eve to make use of his gifts on earth such as things found in lands, oceans for human’s benefit. It also can be used by human as their supply until the judgment day. In addition to their tasks given by God earth, they also need to develop descendents. As disposition, all countries have a right to be independent and determine their own destiny. No countries are allowed to suppress, to invade other countries or white skinned peoples suppress black skinned people (apartheid politics). All of these actions are against the fundamental right of human to enjoy life on earth. The war between the religious communities such as crusade are not supposed to happen because all religious have one faith that is believe in God. The difference is only the way we pray.
- Everything that are created by God on earth is always in pairs as it was symbolize the birth delivery of Adam’s descendents, except for his youngest child, Syits. This is God’s secret. As we know that in our earth there are sky and ground, black and white, dark and light, men and women, day and night, true and false, life and death and other pairs that cannot be mentioned one by one. God has own purposes when he created the way it is. As there are so many contradictive pairs, we have to match them in harmony smartly, so that I will give benefit to us. For example the electrical current is a result of the matching of positive and negative charges. If it is used correctly the light bulb will be on. The light is very useful for humans. On the contrary, if we mismatch the charges there will be a short electrical current that will give bad effects on human.
- One important thing we learn from the origin of the human history is law which the judge is God. When Adam and Eve broke the God’s law, God gave them balanced consequences as the fault they made. God gave hints how to repent and how to avoid his prohibition and do what he asked. God helps Adam and Eve not to repeat the same mistakes and to gain their happiness. This is also applied to Adam and Eve descendents until now. So, this is very clear that God’s law is full of justice and wisdom. The countries in the world must take this as their reflection, when they apply their state law, they have to apply wisdom and justice as the fundament of the law.

To the respected world leaders,
History has told clearly, everything happened in this world will be recorded by history, witnessed by mountains and lands. To face the world life which is like a drama stage God has sent his messengers to the people so that they can guide themselves to the God’s pathway. Every human beings need to use the history as their reflections and follow the hints brought by God’s messengers so that they can life on earth safely. On the other hand we must not forget that demons that live in Adam and Eve era were given authority and power to plague Adam descendents, human beings. Demons has tried many ways to do this plague through different directions such as from front, back, left and right direction, through human blood flow, through human breath, sweat, the pulse of artery and other ways. Demons plague humans to break God’s law. The effects of Demons’ plagues are incredible. Most people in the world has influenced by demons’ plagues. The deviations caused by demons are covered by the luxury of the world, the sparkling of diamonds, human power, human positions in society and women. This is also wrapped by knowledge and technology so that human cannot differ which is right or wrong. Demons persuade humans in gently and indistinctly. Humans never realize when demons’ plagues come. It has been seen obviously to the incident happen in the world such as the destruction of the twin towers in America. The building was destroyed in a few second because of the crash of an airplane. This was a very horrible action done by terrorists. This keep continue to Indonesia until now. Pentagon, as the head quarter of the united state department of defense, cannot escape from infiltration of terrorists. We need to admit that the terrorist organization is very organized so it is very hard to detect their strategy. To chase the terrorists is like chasing invisible human. They can come and go in a sudden. This is happened because they get help from demons that are smarter and more knowledgeable than humans. Certainly, the demons’ knowledge and skills are limited by God’s will.
The world realizes that there are two critical problems that is not easy to be solved. There are declining of world economy and creating peace on earth. Even though every country has sent their delegation to the United Nations to solve these problems, there are still conflicts occurring in some countries that increase the numbers of refugees, the attack of terrorisms can happen anytime, crisis of economy in some developed and developing countries.
The world has been waiting for someone that can overcome the world problems such as to unite the conflicted countries with his words and charisma, so that the conflicted countries will cooperate peacefully. There will not be any force of taking a territory between Jewish and Palestinians that happened over decades and ethnic annihilation in Bosnia, the crazy bombing in Iraq, massacre of innocent people in Cambodia during Pol Pot Regime or civil wars among countries in the middle east. In this world there won’t be cold war between eastern and western bloc. The world is waiting for someone that can stabilize the world economy. There will not be any country that is economically colonized by other countries. There won’t be any country that pawn their country assets to pay their country debt. The criminal level in every country will be as low as possible.

To the respected world leaders,

While we are waiting for figure that can answer the world challenges, In this opportunity I would like to tell you a true story of a son of a country that lays in Southeast Asia, in Indonesia.


While the world war two was happening, Indonesia was also struggling to get its independence from Dutch. This struggling has been happened for 350 years. After the Dutch left Indonesia, the Japanese imperialism started. The Japanese proclaimed themselves as Asian people protector. In a reality, they were not different from the Dutch.
At the same time in South Bandung in Kampong Sayati, in Sukamenak Village, a marriage couple named Uha and Syamsudin had a baby boy, named Sabuki. He experienced his childhood with a hardworking and apprehension. This is because of the strict disciplines he received from his father. His father trained him to be able to do a variety of work, even though the work that he were not suitable to his age. When he was 7 years old he was given responsibility to feed his parents cattle. He did this responsibility without complaining. With a respect he realize that these trainings were the evidence of his parents’ love so that in the future he could be more independent and can be beneficial for himself and other people.
In brief, the very strict and strong educations he received from his parents made Sabuki become an independent, principled, risk-taking teenager in solving life problems. He could finish his high school independently. He also studied religious science from a religious teacher in Bandung. He did these without having support from his parents, but his spirit to study about religion unstoppable. Then the teacher who taught religion added Syahidin at the end of his name and changed his name from Sabuki into Buki Syahidin. After graduating from high school, Buki Syahidin worked in the department for religious affair as an educator. In his young age, he proposed an orphan girl, his former student to be his wife. In his marriage life he learned a lot of life experiences. He experienced a variety of profession such as a teacher, cookies seller, porridge seller, a builder, amateur photographer and at last he holds a high position in a project, LAPAN. The project was in Cilaut Eureun, Pameungmeuk, West Java. In this place he got an inspiration that changed his life. One day when he was busy counting money he heard a prayer call. This prayer call touched his deepest feeling. Money and position are not the one that he is after. There is other thing that is more valuable than the world and its content. Then he resigned from his job.
Buki Syahidin then exiled himself in a remote area that is far away from hustle and bustle of the world. He went to Wanikari wood, Pameungpeuk. Nobody had entered this wood before. He lived there by himself for years. Only the night breeze and dark of the night accompanied him. With a bare chest he slept on the ground, under the sky shelter and was covered by night breeze. During his time there he was accompanied by the spirits of Wanikari wood. He learned valuable experiences about God, society and nature. This is not only a theory but also a real lesson.
At the same place, he had a spiritual journey that make his beliefs of God become stronger, and his chest was full of the light of guidance from God. He got all the answers of his questions. After he thought that he had found his inquiries, Buki Syahidin went back to his family in Bandung. His experiences in Wanikari wood has made himself more matured. He is becoming a person that is a risk-taker and a principled person. These changes will be beneficial for him to face challenges in the future.


The first place Buki Syahidin visited was Kampong Manglid, Margahayu Village, South Bandung, West Java. Buki Syahidin found a centre of Al-Qur’an-study that was called Marganingrat there. He had some students learning about Qur’an and by the time went by this Qur’an study centre kept growing. In this place, Buki Syahidin tried to convey the understanding of ‘Imam Mahdi’ which is totally different from the common understanding of what people have. With no doubt and full of conviction Buki Syahidin conveyed the exclamation of ‘Imam Mahdi’ to government. As consequence as it had been predicted, the controversy occurred in society. People were shocked and could not accept this new theory of Imam Mahdi conveyed by Buki Syahidin. They accused Buki Syahidin claim himself as ‘Imam Mahdi’. Buki Syahidin were sentenced to jail for 2 years. Based on the decision letter released by ‘KAJATI’, Buki Syahidin was prohibited to continue his activities.
It was unpleasant experiences for Buki Syahidin in defending his principles and beliefs. These experiences did not make Buki Syahidin’s belief fade. He accepted these as a mental test from God. Manglid as a centre of Qur’an learning was a historical place for him. It was because Manglid was a place where Buki Syahidin received the big gifts from God. The gifts were Fitaphysics and the invention of 9 elements. This was not easy for anyone to believe this and followed his life journey. This is beyond of people’s logic.


Buki Syahidin moved to Tasikmalaya, in Kampong Ciponyo, Linggajati Village, West Java after he had a variety of experiences.
Buki Syahidin started to establish a new community and Islamic learning. It was called ‘Masigit Ulun Sampurna’. The community was built by his students with hard worker, deep patience and resignation to God. Buki Syahidin always tries to develop these kinds of attitude in his loyal students. In 1995 Buki Syahidin established a foundation was called “Yasapradhana”. This foundation is legal and registered with notary document no. 17,1996.
The existence of the community, Qur’an study and foundation office, as well as the guests that came in and out made social jealousy to some people that live around Masigit Ulun Sampurna. These people started to spread slanders about the lessons delivered by Buki Syahidin. For the second time Buki Syahidin was put on court. After following a few court sessions which were full of mass intimidation, Buki Syahidin was sentenced to jail for 6 years without having a final court decision. This is against a human right. In the constitution, the state guarantees every person can run his conviction as it is stated in article 29.
The slanders that spread out by some people affected on Buki Syahidin’s family and his students. Mass that had influenced by the slanders came and destroyed the community, the classes, foundation office as well as other assets violently. This tragedy happened while Buki Syahidin was inside the Tasikmalaya jail.
Buki Syahidin fulfilled his time in jail with his creativity. His jail was full of his art works. Many people in the Tasikmalaya jail community admired his art works.
At the same times as university students demanding reformation in Indonesia in May 1998, Buki Syahidin was moved to another jail in Kuningan, West Java. Days behind bars was used by Buki Syahidin to get closer to God and learned more about Qur’an. In the 2m x 1,5 m sized room, Buki Syahidin started to write books about the guidance from God that he had received during his time in Wanikari wood and Manglid. These books are called Kitabaka and Kitab Muttaqien. In 2000, Buki Syahidin received another big gift from God. It was DPSB (Dana Pembangunan Semesta Berencana-Universal Development Plan Fund). This fund can be used to solve problems in the world, particularly in Indonesia.
All those gifts were came from God and need to be given to the chosen one, for the purpose of people, so that Buki Syahidin was given a tittle as Pemandu Amanah Tunggal (the guide of single mandate).


After about six years living behind bars in Kuningan, Buki Syahidin and family moved to Tangerang, West Java. It’s like a habit since he was young wherever he moved there were many people came and became his students. In Tangerang he trained his students to have a Mu’min’s soul so that they can obtain following criteria:

1. those who offer their shalat (prayer) with all solemnity and full submissiveness,
2. those who turn away from dirty, false, evil, vain talk, falsehood, and all that Allah has forbidden,
3. those who pay the zakat,
4. those who guard their chastity except from their wives or (the captives and slaves) that their right hands possess,
5. those who are faithfully true to their amanat,
6. those who do their promises,
7. those who strictly guard their prayers.

After 5 years Buki Syahidin has run the training to build human resources until Mu’min level, then he and his family moved to Palabuhan Ratu Sukabumi, West Java. In Palabuhan Ratu, the training level was raised to the next level which is called ‘Aamanna’. During this training, the student were given opportunities to learn life skills and the implementations of the lesson. There are three important main ideas. They are:

1. be careful
2. be ready
3. be alert

In Palabuhan Ratu Buki Syahidin signes the notice of readiness on 20 September 2009. The notice contains :
1. to welfare Indonesian people,
2. to pay the country debt,
3. to give free education and health,
4. to eliminate different form of taxes,
5. to give fund support for Indonesian development, particularly public facilities.

This notice of readiness has bee conveyed to Indonesian government, ulema and also public in Indonesian.


As it has been mentioned above that Buki Syahidin has received valuable gifts from God. Some of them are:

1. Fitaphysics
2. The invention of nine elements
3. DPSB ( Dana Pembangunan Semesta Berencana – Universal Development Plan Fund )

Those three things cannot be discussed one by one in details, however, it only be explained in general.

The nine key point of Buki Syahidin’s inventions are follows:
1. key to form a good human being (insan kamil)
2. key to unite religion with Fitaphysics key
3. key to get closer to God
4. key to get closer to Malaikah and His Rasul
5. key to establish countries with justice laws
6. key to eliminate poverty on earth
7. key to proclaim that Pancasila Sakti and Indonesia Raya
8. to eliminate stupidity, greedy and envy among community of people on earth
9. formula to against nuclear weapon

Here are some understanding of Fitaphysics and DPSB (Dana Pembangunan Semesta Berencana – Universal Development Plan Fund):


- Is a method which is combine religious and knowledge perspectives that can used to answer a variety of problem on earth.

DPSB (Dana Pembangunan Semesta Berencana – Universal Development Plan Fund ) :

- Is a big amount of fund which was given by God. This fund will be sufficient if it is used to develop and restructure in every sector both in Indonesia or the world.

Those three things mentioned above are gifts which were given to Buki Syahidin as Amanah Tunggal (Single Mandate).
As a guide of Amanah Tunggal, Buki Syahidin has the responsibilities to give his invention for the sake of people welfare. To do this, a set of procedures and mechanism must be set up based on the government regulation.
In order to fulfill his responsibility as Amanah Tunggal, Buki Syahidin has tried many ways to convey his invention to the Indonesian government. And of course as an Indonesian citizen, Buki Syahidin must obey Indonesian administrative law.
As an Indonesia citizen that has right and responsibility to defend his own country, so Buki Syahidin has tried many ways to convey this information since President Soeharto era until Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Buki Syahidin never gives up telling this information to executive party, parliament, ulema or even to the other people through their representative.

The information that he tried to convey are:
- to request a dialogue between Buki Syahidin and the President regarding the use of nine elements invention and DPSB.
- to be able to proclaim the ability to fulfill the leader requirement by signing up the agreement letter, and ready to be given consequences of he is not able to fulfill the requirement.
- to propose an alternative way to determine a new mechanism of president election as a new invention to get an effective result that is matched to what Indonesian people hope.
- to propose a national discussion/meeting between Amanah Tunggal and government regarding the invention of the nine elements and DPSB as well as the concept of national discussion.
- to advise president to continue to be wise, ready and alert in making decision or policy.
- to advise Indonesian people to have willingness to change their lives independently so that their lives will be much better.
- to propose himself as a candidate of president during the election day 2009 in Indonesia.

By giving some letters to government and other parties both directly and indirectly, it means Buki Syahidin has tried to fulfill his responsibility as Amanah Tunggal. However, it is depend on the government how to give responses regarding this matter. This aspiration has been given to Indonesian government continuously. It does not mean that Amanah Tunggal has ambition to become a president. He did all of these because he was encouraged by his responsibility to defend his own country as well as to fulfill his responsibility that given by God. He does not want to be an a group of people that betrays amanah, which later on the one who has given the amanah will ask for our responsibility.


To the respected world leaders,
After knowing the occurrence life journey of son of Indonesia, Buki Syahidin as Amanah Tunggal, now let’s go back to the problem that the world facing.

At the beginning I have already mentioned that there are two major problems that are not yet been solved. They are:
1. creating peace on earth,
2. solving world economic crisis.

Those two problems are the biggest world challenges that must be solved by the world including the United Nation. Can Amanah Tunggal give the contribution to solve the challenges? To answer the question, let’s analyze the challenges one by one.
There are some causes that influence the occurrence of wars, conflicts, intimidation and ruthlessness. Before we solve the problems, we must identify the source of the problems. As it has been mentioned in the origin of human history, when Adam and Eve were created at the first time, the source of the ruthlessness problem is demon’s deceit. The problem now how do we avoid demon’s deceit. This is not an easy thing to do because most humans in this world have influenced by demon’s deceit. Only a small group of people that is protected by God can avoid this. So the only way to do is to go back to God, the creator. With God’s hand all problems can be solved.
To get help from God both hints and guidance, we need to get closer to God. To get closer to God there are special keys needed. Amanah Tunggal is the one that owns the key right now. As it has been mentioned in the chapter of the invention of nine elements, particularly at point number 3 and 4 that there are keys to get closer to God, His Malaikah and His Rasul.

Point 1- Key to form a good human being

A good human being (insan kamil) is the highest level of belief (iman) acquired by a person. This level can be achieved when a person has got closer to God and Malaikah. If every person in this world or most of people have achieved this level, automatically peace on earth will be established. A person who has achieved this level will control their emotion and greed. So every nation will respect other nations. A good relationship among nations will be established.

Point 2- key to unite religions with fitaphysics key

Belief is a very sensitive matter. If one or a group of people are offended because their religion indignity, they will be ready to sacrifice their life to defend on their religion.
World history has mentioned that there was a war between Moslems and Christians, known as crusade. This war had influenced both generations through years. This is like a bomb that can blow out any time.
In order to prevent this not to happen again we need to have the same perception of religion. The perception that need to be the same is: ”Every religious community whether Moslem, Christians, Hindus or Buddhists must understand about their religion’’. If they do this they can be called as Moslem because Moslem means the community that obeys their God. That’s what is called one community.
To make the same perception among religious communities is not an easy job. It needs a special method. This method is called fitaphysics and of course the person that does the job need to get closer to God. After the perception among the religious communities the same, then the next step is to unite resolve and to implement this as a community that obey God. Thus, the tolerance among religious communities will be interwoven and conflicts among religious communities can be avoided. It is because every religious community realizes that they are one community. Their God is the same and every individual has their own right and responsibility toward their God and at the end everything in this world will go back to the same God.

Point 3 and 4 – The keys to get closer to God and Malaikah as well as his Rasul.

As it has been mentioned above that these two keys are they keys to solve all problems.

Point 5 – The key of countries with equitable law.

When God created life on earth at the first time, God has shown example how to implement equitable and wise law as it was applied to Adam and Eve when they broke the God’s rules.
A country will be in order and safe when the law is enforced equitably and wisely. The same condition also can be applied to international law. The stable condition of the world can be created every country obeys and respects an international law.
To do this, the world need a judge with an international standard who can make a wise decision to solve conflicts among countries. Whoever the judge is, the person must have guidance from God so that the person can take history as a lesson that how people who selected by God in the past made decision and policy to solve a problem.
The judge can make fair and wise decision with God’s guidance and hints so that he will not be unbalanced and can fulfill justice of each party with different social background and beliefs.

Point 6, 7 and 8 – The key to eliminate poverty on earth, proclaim Pancasila Sakti and Indonesia Raya, as well as to eliminate stupidity, greed and conflicts among religious communities.

Religious perspective and knowledge must be combined together to solve the problem that related to the three points mentioned. From the religious perspective, everything on earth will return to God as the creator of universe. From the knowledge perspective, it takes a big amount of fund to solve the problems related to poverty and stupidity on earth. The poverty on earth has been eliminated if every individual is prosperous. It means that every individual has sufficient food, clothes and home. The stupidity has been eliminated if facilities and infrastructures have been sufficed. The people do not have to spend money to get a better education. In a meanwhile, the educators and teachers must have good payment so that they can concentrate only in giving good education and design better curriculum to produce good quality learning/education. The designed curriculum must be balanced between general and religious education. So that in the future, the school can produce their graduation with good quality in knowledge and attitudes. Hopefully, when they work as a leader, they will not abuse their position. It takes a lot of funds to do reformation in educational system. If the curriculum is managed by UNICEF and UNESCO (United Nation Education Scientific and Cultural Organization) the quality of education in the world will be same. If every country has a good quality of human resources such as people with a good quality of knowledge and attitude, the conflicts among religious community can be avoided.

Point 7 – to proclaim how powerful Panncasila is and Indonesia Raya.
This is only for Indonesian citizen because Indonesia is the only country that has Pancasila as the country principles. Latter on, it will be used as a benchmark for other countries in the world. Having a leader that understand the explanation of Pancasila starting from the first up to the fifth principles as well as can be a role model of the implementation of it, Indonesia will be prosperous and welfare. This is called Indonesia Raya.

Point 9 – Anti-nuclear formula

The principle of how the nuclear energy works is to split uranium atom nuclei into 2, then split again into 4, and then split again 8 and so on. If the atom nuclei keep continue splitting into millions and billions at the same time it will make a great explosion and this is very dangerous for human life on earth.
Anti-nuclear formula is a formula or method to prevent the atom nuclear explode and to avoid the misused of nuclear by irresponsible people. On the other hand, nuclear can be used for health purposes such as for therapy of a certain disease or also can be used for electricity generator. Amanah Tunggal as the inventor is the one who has the right to use anti-nuclear formula.
As it has been explained above about the big lines of the nine elements that the invention of nine elements is the answer of all the world challenges.


To the respected world leaders,

No matter how great the invention is, it will be useless if it is not proclaimed. Regarding to the invention of nine elements, the most important thing is to find out ways how to proclaim the invention to other people so that they can take its benefit. Before the invention is proclaimed, first of all the invention needs to be responded and discussed the reliability. If it reliable, the invention can be proclaimed then can be legalized both nationally and internationally.
In the process of proclaiming the invention, there is one thing to put in mind that the position of Amanah Tunggal is only as a common citizen, in this case he cannot work by himself, for example:
- To proclaim DPSB, Amanah Tunggal must proclaim the asset has the same value as DPSB. To proclaim the asset, he cannot proclaim it by himself because it is against administrative constitution, so in this case there should be a collaboration between the inventor and the authorized person of the state, in this case is a President.
So, in this matter there should be a willingness of a president to sit down together directly with the inventor to discuss and decide the procedures to proclaim the finding. The same procedures is also applied if the other countries want the invention to be real. Their leaders must sit down together with the inventor.
Amanah Tunggal has organized 20 steps to implement the invention to restructure the condition of a country and of course the procedures will be conducted together with the government.

The implementation steps are:
1. to pay both government and non- government debt,
2. to strengthen up RUPIAH to US dollar or other countries currency,
3. to abolish the government property and public tax,
4. to return government assets such as state own enterprise that sold to the foreign enterprises,
5. to increase and establish the salary of civil servant, civil armies, policemen and veterans as well as labors,
6. to abolish corruption, collusion and nepotism in all departments starting from the lower level up to the highest level,
7. to alleviate the poor and the needy both in religious and knowledge side,
8. to abolish educational fee starting from primary level until university level both state and private university,
9. to raise up and establish the price of national basic needs, provide nine basic needs for people, control the company that give bad impact to the environment/air pollution, control and re-arrange dirty areas and build houses for people both in the city and village so that the untidiness will be disappeared, organize street seller, beggars and others that make the city unpleasant look, control public transport that cause traffic jam and air pollution, control the damage beach areas, beach recreational areas and dirty places near beaches,
16,to cope with national security through unity of the people so that no one can divide the unity of people and religious community, overcome physical and spiritual disease, uphold the 1945 constitution as the basic foundation of Republic Indonesia so that there will not be a contradiction in interpreting the 1945 constitution among legislative and executive institution, control and uphold law supreme globally as our country is a state law, uphold Pancasila as a state umbrella.

So, once again to proclaim the invention of nine elements, it is depend on the country leader to take a further step of the invention so that they can take the benefit of it.
From the explanation above, we can conclude that there are three main things that one must have to solve the world problems. They are:
2. assets
3. the method


If we read carefully the life journey of Amanah Tunggal from the beginning until he got the gifts from God such as the invention of the nine elements, DPSB and Fitaphysic method,

It can be concluded that :
Is a figure who is closed to jail (kinunjoro). The person who can let people free from shackle and in the future he will be a well-known figure (murwo kuncoro)

Is a figure who is wealthy and charismatics, but he is always blamed for a bad deed that he never does (kesandung kesampar)

Is a figure/the elevated leader/the chosen one (jinumput) but only for a temporary period (sumela atur)

A figure who likes to travel (lelono) but acquire a high level of religious stage (tapa ngrame)

Is a figure who turned up by bringing along charisma derived from his ancestor (hamong tuwuh)

Is a figure who moves from one place to other places (boyong). Later he will be the one who opens the gate to the golden era (pambukaning gapuro)
Is a figure who is wise religious so that he can be described as Begawan (pinandito) and he always act based on law or God’s hints (sinisihan wahyu)

These seven characteristics are the characteristics of SATRIO PININGIT.


When the world is stricken by the darkness because of the stupidity of the smart people, the greed of the wealthy people, the frustration of the poor, famine in the country that has lots of fertile land, conflicts among the countries that love peace and eclipse during day time, I will suggest you to walk towards the light, find the light even though the light is come from a little lantern. As long as the lantern can go through the darkness of the world and is able to give hope that at the and the light from the lantern can lighten the darkness of the world and also the arid souls with the light of faith. When it is already obvious between black and white, keep walking towards white because white is the symbol of purity and leave the stupidity is the darkness and it is symbolized with black.
I would like to invite you to pray to God so that the darkness that covers our soul will be replaced with the light from God that can lead our way to the final end. Let’s try to do good deed and every second of our life. Hopefully God will hear our prayer. Amiin

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